Individual session
is a combination of interview and bodywork with your own issues in sexuality.
Goddess Essence
A transformational journey into the divine feminine
Goddess Essence is a 4 part training
Each seminar focuses on a different centre of feminine power.
Offered by Tantra-Essence, created by Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita and her Kaula team.
Seminars are facilitated by accredited Tantra-Essence teachers Amrita and Tanmaya.
Dates of seminars:
Heart chakra: 26.04. - 28.04.2019
Sexuality and Emotions: 05.07. - 07.07.2019
Intuition and Healing: 27.09. - 29.09.2019
Spirituality: 08.11. - 10.11.2019
More info:
Sexological Bodywork (SB) is a somatic learning through experience, self-development and healing through sexuality with the overlap into the other areas of life.
“I felt like reborn, emptied, cleaned, free. It was unobtrusive and fascinating at the same time. What was going on in me working for a long time.”“Amazing. I can have everything ... ..and can´t do nothing. I am beautiful, happy, joyful, creative.”“Sometimes I feel love, such an independent, to the entire universe. It's beautiful.” “These techniques are so much liberating.””You are amazing and beautiful, I've never felt any experiece like this.”“I felt pure, deliberating, without pain. I learned to ask what I exactly need, whatever desires have my body and soul, and I do so I can freely and without guilt request at any time.”“It was a prelude to the opera, and there was the opera.”